
Born in Graz, Austria

Father of two daughters, Veronika and Theresa
Three grandchildren, Moriz, Luana, Nora

Scholarship and International Baccalaureate at the “United World College of the Atlantic” in Llantwit Major, South Wales, Great Britain

Graduation from the Technical University of Graz, Austria in biomedical electrical engineering

Mime and Pantomime Training  with Rolf Scharre, guest lecturer at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria
Postgraduate scholarship and studies at the „Mime Centre London“ with Adam Darius in London, Great Britain
Clown work with Pierre Byland in Zurich, Switzerland
Further studies with Daniel Stein (corporeal mime) in Paris, France

Appearances in numerous operas, theatre productions and TV shows in Austria

Tours and participations in international festivals with his own mime shows throughout Europe, USA, Canada and South East Asia

Director of the first international festivals „New Mimes in Austria“ (1986) and „Direkt Bewegt“ (1988) (organization: Ruth Bartussek)

Initiator of the Austrian Mime Contest „THE GOLDEN EGG“ (1997).

1981 nomination for the “Fringe First Award” in Edinburgh
1988 the Jury Price of the Austrian Arts Council
1990 the Fringe Theatre Price of the City of Vienna

1983 to present – Director of „STUDIO GOLD EGG
 a training space in Vienna for physical and spiritual awareness

Creation and Development of his own MimoSonanz®Method, the representation of unconscious energetic aspects through movement and body expression

Author of two books on the subject of mime and body awareness and a training CD

Professor at the Bruckner Conservatory in Linz, Austria

Lecturer at the “Anton Bruckner University Linz(1991 – 2015) and the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna” on “body expression” and “presentation”

International Infotainer („The Review Revue“) and Trainer in body language and nonverbal communication, body awareness and the MimoSonanz®Method

  • at the International Summer School on Business Mediation (Admont, Austria)
  • for Harvard Negotiation Insight Initiative (“HNII”) Harvard Law School (Boston, USA)
  • at the Omega Institute (Rhinecliff, NY, USA),
  • for Mobius Executive Leadership (Boston, USA)
  • for the International Bar Association (Buenos Aires, Argentina / Vancouver, Canada / Vienna, Austria).

Too many details?

Here is my personal short version . . .

More about Samuel Bartussek:

=> Mime artist
=> Trainer
=> Coach

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